seamlessly switch between windowed, borderless and borderless fullscreen.player speed modifier (increase or decrease).global game speed modifier (increase or decrease).increase spirit emblem capacity on prosthetic upgrades.disable death penalties like losing Sen or experience.prevent dragonrot from increasing upon death.display hidden death/kill counters and optionally log them to file to display in OBS on stream.disable centering of camera (cam reset) on lock-on if there is no target.disable camera auto rotate adjustment on movement (intended for mouse users).increase or decrease field of view (FOV).add a custom resolution, 21:9 widescreen supported (will overwrite the default 1920x1080 / 1280x720 resolution, HUD limited to 16:9).unlock frame rate (remove FPS limit) by setting a new custom limit.G-SYNC and FreeSync support even in borderless window mode.works with legit, unmodified steam version as well as with unpacked, not-so-legit versions.does not modify any game files, RAM patches only.Get the latest release here See it in action: Works with every game version (legit steam & oh-not-so-legit), should work with all future updates. Patches games memory while running, does not modify any game files.

It can be obnoxiously difficult, but the combat is a triumph, the exploration is fantastic, and the world succeeds in feeling like a place.A small utility to remove frame rate limit, add custom resolutions with 21:9 widescreen support, change field of view (FOV), borderless window mode, display kills/deaths and log them (OBS), disable automatic camera adjustments and various game modifications for Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice written in C#. Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice is basically an instant classic that offers exactly what fans have come to expect from the developer’s best work. If you’re up for the challenge, Sekiro will reward your patience with some of the most spectacular, nerve-wracking duelling on PC. Sekiro’s combat system serves up exciting new challenges to the end and the shinobi fantasy is powerfully realised in every savage deathblow and perfectly timed parry. It is a game that will be more to the taste of Bloodborne players than Dark Souls players, but if you enjoy tough yet rewarding gameplay, and an interesting world exploration, filled with scenery and intermittent boss fights, Sekiro will be for you. Use stealth to eliminate enemies from the shadows or take them head on with flashy sword skills.Use a wide range of prosthetic tools that allow for various mobility and combat options.